What equipment do I need?

A laptop or desktop computer with an internet connection is required.

To proceed, a license key from NinjaTrader is required. Additional information can be found here.

Lastly, NinjaTrader imposes a monthly data fee of $12.00.

When can I begin trading?

You can begin immediately after your payment is received. Upon receipt you will receive your member login credentials. 

Can I start trading part-time from my home?

Yes, this is highly recommended before committing to full time trading. We do not recommend quitting your job.

How much money do I need to start trading?

This depends on the Broker you decide to open your account with. Typically, a Forex micro account can be opened with as little as $50.00 (we recommend $100). A Future micro account can be opened with a minimum of $400 (we recommend $1,000).Obviously, you can open your account with any size balance and trade much more if you would like. Keep in mind that you can also get your account funded, up to $50,000. Get more information.

What is a demo account?

A demo account looks and acts just like a real trading account except it does not contain any real money. It is set up with “play” money for the purpose of practicing & sharpening your trading skills within real market conditions without risking any of your own real money. If you are a novice trader, we recommend that you trade on a demo account until you have had at least 1 or 2 consecutive profitable months in a row. This is our way of being responsible to you and it’s a vital and essential part of the learning process. Most brokers offer demo accounts for free.

Do I need to have any specific academic background in order to be successful?

Not at all. Successful active traders come from many different professions. 

I don’t live in the USA. Will I be able to still trade?

Our software can be accessed and implemented from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

What is your refund policy?

Our policy does not include refunds. Upon signing up, you will have immediate access to valuable content and benefit from the community. If you determine that Blitz For Profits is not suitable for you, you may choose to cancel your payment subscription, or request us to do so on your behalf. Please note that cancellation requests may take up to a week to process.